Pregnant - What next?

First, you need to be sure you're pregnant

You can buy a home pregnancy kit from a chemist or supermarket.  These kits are 97% accurate, so there is usually no need to do more pregnancy tests.

If you're pregnant

As soon as you know you are pregnant, make your first midwife appointment by telephoning 0141 232 4005.  Booking early will help you get the best start for you and your baby.  It is important even if you are a Mum already.

If you're unsure about continuing with the pregnancy

Phone and make an appointment with either your GP or sexual health clinic for advice and support as soon as possible.

If you need help urgently

For example, if you think you might be having a miscarrige call your GP or NHS 24 on 111.

Your first midwife appointment

This takes place early in your pregnancy and will take about an hour.  You might not have a scan at this first appointment, but your early pregnancy scan will be arranged for weeks 11-14.

Your midwife will need to ask some questions in order to plan the right care to support you and your baby's wellbeing.  You'll be able to talk about:-

  • any questions you may have
  • preparing for parenthood
  • eating well during pregnancy
  • the type of exercise you can do
  • how to get free NHS dental care
  • other services you might find useful, such as money and housing


You will get a copy of the Ready Steady Baby book, which is a guide to pregnancy, birth and parenthood.  You will also be given your maternity notes, which you will need to bring to every appointment.










Our local Baby Cafe offers a place where mums and mums-to-be can drop in, without an appointment, to share experiences with other mums and get one-to-one support in a friendly and informal environment.


From the 1st September 2018 our Baby café can be accessed at;




Hillhead Community Centre,

169 Meiklehill Road,


G66 2JJ

Tel: 0141 578 6011


Every: Tuesday

From: 2.00pm – 4.00pm






Other of Hours information and support with breastfeeding can be accessed via;



The National breast Feeding Helpline 0300 100 0212

The National Childbirth Trust 0300 330 0771

La Leche League help line 0845 120 2918

The Breastfeeding Network 0844 412 4664

Association of Breastfeeding Mothers 0300 330 5453


For further information please contact your local Health Visitor



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