Breast Screening

The Scottish Breast Screening Programme - JULY 2018

As part of the Scottish Breast Screening Programme, all eligible women registered with this practice will shortly receive a letter from the West of Scotland Breast Screening Service, inviting them to attend a Mobile Screening Unit situated in the grounds of the Leisuredrome Car Park, Balmuildy Road, Bishopbriggs for a mammogram.


Why does the NHS offer breast Screening?

To reduce the number of women who die from breast cancer. Screening does this by finding breast cancers at an early stage when they are too small to see or feel.


Around 4,800 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every

                              year in Scotland.


                                What are the benefits?

                                Screening can find breast cancer before any symptoms become

                               noticeable. The earlier breast cancer is found, the better your

                               chance of surviving it.


                               Women over the age of 70

                               You are still welcome to come for screening every 3 years,

                               although you will not automatically be invited. To make an

                               appointment, please call the screening centre on 0141 800 8800.


                                 You may find it helpful to visit:




 All eligible women age 50-70 registered with the practice will shortly be invited for breast screening (mammogram). You will receive your appointment letter through the post inviting you to attend a Mobile Unit situated in the grounds of: The Leisuredrome Car Park, Bishopbriggs. 

If the appointment is unsuitable, please call Nelson Mandela Place if you wish to change it.


Women who are 71 and over can request an appointment by contacting the Breast Screening Centre on:


0141 800 8800 or Text phone 0141 800 8858




Breast screening every 3 years is the best way to detect breast cancer early when treatment is most likely to be effective.



For further information visit the website: Screening Scotland NHS inform


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